Since the pandemic hit Florida back in April, we’ve managed to stay open. We’ve been supporting all of our current and future projects – even those that were shut down or put on hold – as best we can. Many were shut down. Many still are.

Just recently, as sites have begun to reopen, Joe Martin, site supervisor and installer, had to make an interstate flight between Texas and California to perform a field check for a current project. He shared his synopsis of the flight with us and has graciously allowed me to share it with you here.

It was certainly an interesting experience being back in the airport for the first time since early this year.

While I found every company has a sort of marketing halo of safety, people are the x factor in all this. On my first flight to LAX, I had my own row, and everyone was well behaved. On the flight back, I had a group of people sit next to me that all brought food, and ate it on the plane. I’m amazed the airlines are allowing that, being that whomever is eating is unmasked for a length of time. That was definitely uncomfortable.

I didn’t feel really safe or unsafe. This virus is a weird, constant threat and it’s tough to gauge what is ok and what isn’t. Many people are flying, which I think is good, but unfortunately, it’s hard to feel safe because of people not following the guidelines of health officials. These are the exact people responsible for spreading the virus, either defying prudent advice, or just not caring. Seeing that flagrant attitude was disheartening, but the vast majority of people are doing the right things.

I would not recommend flying unless it is absolutely 100 percent essential. While the companies operating are doing their best, it’s individuals that are making us unsafe, and that can never be predicted, or controlled. I can’t wait for the day this is over.

I thought it was important to share the point of view of someone we know and respect. The arts and entertainment industries have been hit hard by this pandemic, and so has the travel industry. Joe obviously works in the former, and by necessity, was compelled to press the latter into service. What resonated with me the most from Joe’s synopsis were his observations about people as the x factor. I found it comforting that he witnessed first-hand that “the vast majority of people are doing the right things.”

Those of us in the office, in the shop, and out on the handful of sites that remained open during the pandemic continue to follow strict safety and sanitation protocols. Here at the office, for example, we take our temperatures each day when we arrive, use copious amounts of hand sanitizer, and wear masks when we’re in common areas of our facility like hallways, the kitchen, others’ offices and cubicles, and bathrooms. We take social distancing very seriously and don’t even hold meetings in the same room, even when all attendees happen to be in the building. We truly are committed to protecting each other. All it takes is a little extra time and effort, and that’s not much to ask, is it?